Your email (required)
Your bookingcode (required)
First name (required)
Last name (required)
Personal identification number (if applicable)
Address (required)
Postcode (required)
Phone number (required)
Who was affected (required)
Type of illness / injury (required)
Is treatment still ongoing? (required) YesNo
Did the affected person suffer from the same illness previously? (required) YesNo
If yes, please note the name of the doctor performing treatment
For death, please enter the name of the deceased
Did you recieve compensation from your insurance or the flight provider? (required) YesNo
If yes, what kind of compensation?
Additional information
Name of bank (required)
SWIFT/BIC (required)
IBAN (required)
The certificate has to have been issued by an qualified and independent doctor
The certificate must state clearly that the doctor recommends to cancel the trip
Furthermore, the certificate must contain the diagnosis and date of first treamtment or examination, and the date of the examination or treatment that is the basis for the recommendation.
Mediacal certificate
Other relevant documents